Dickens Fair: bonnets in progress
Preparation for Dickens Christmas Fair is well under way :) Made it through the first workshop weekend as well as dancing practice with the Prince consort(s) tonight. I wanted a fun project & these...
Preparation for Dickens Christmas Fair is well under way :) Made it through the first workshop weekend as well as dancing practice with the Prince consort(s) tonight. I wanted a fun project & these...
Just a few flat photos until I can do a photo shoot :) But aren’t all those stars really pretty?
I promised to eventually come back & create more diary entries for this project. So here I go: I machine basted the shoulders on this entirely hand sewn bodice, *facepalm*. Those machine basting stitches...
The long awaited boobie removal surgery has occuried, not once but twice in my workroom. Ever drape something on your “Uniquely you” over a corset, and have it just not fit right when you...
We haven’t taken photos with the matching garters but I’ve uploaded the first set :) Hope you enjoy the photos. >>
I’m starting to get the hang of the tension to produce an even cord. I haven’t had time since vacation to play with it anymore but here are some of the cords I made:
My youngest sister got married earlier this year. I had the honor of helping out a bit here and there the week before the wedding (whereas our other sister did all the really hard...
The beach was great but I did want to rush back to my fabric and sewing. I even got new fabric this week!
Cathy Hay of Your Wardbrobe Unlock’d has put together another fantastic site, this time focusing exclusively on corset making. She’s even added a free tutorial as a teaser for this subscription site. Check it...
My teflon compensating feet arrived and I’ve begun trying them out a bit. They sew these specific PVC pieces very smoothly. No stick on the first testing run at least. I’m sure I”ll be...
I’m using french linen collar canvas to build up the shaping on the standing, pleated collar for the jacket:
Another linen coif in the same machine embroidery pattern but different orientation:
Trying out different sleeve styles during the muslin mock-up:
Only a few more pieces left to stitch: Adding the waist tape & lining: