Tagged: corsetry
Save $50 on Order
Donate today to help the corsetry community give a gift to Lucy and receive a $100 voucher for the price of $50, that means you get $50 off your order :). Gift for Lucy...
$100 Vouchers HALF OFF- donate $50
A Gift for Lucy Corsetry I’ve been asked to donate to a campaign to raise some money for Lucy. I have 5 $100 vouchers for a custom corset up for a price of $50...
Black and Tan Series
I finished my trio of black and tan pieces, all samples testing out ideas. The neck corset can pair with any of the three pieces.
Black & Red Corset
Corsets seem like an unlikely article of clothing to take underwater… they don’t flow or drape or do anything interesting themselves underwater. But the model’s body positioning which is only possible underwater and flowing...
Black Dot coutil corset sample piece
I decided to pair this luscious black dot coutil with white lace and white stitching. It was actually my husbands suggestion to add the red taffeta binding. I really like how striking it is...
Bright linen striped corset
I had this old linen dress that I cut up back in 2006 to make this corset. I’m going to finish it up now so it will be done and out of my “to...
B&W mock-up: modeled on a body
Thanks Laura for trying on this mock-up. It wasn’t drafted to her measures but fits pretty well I’d say!
Black & White corset: boning channels
I’ve gotten a bit more done on this today and cut out the lining too. I hope to finish it up this week.
Blue and black underbust: added to gallery
Final photos have been added to the gallery finally:) Here is a shot of the high-backed underbust along with the other two corsets made in the same fabrics in the past year. Look at...
1880s Style coutil corset: final on mannequin
Features a high back, spoonbusk, and exterior boning channels.
1880s style coutil corset: mock-up
Yep the bias coutil boning channels make me happy. Can’t wait to actually make the real corset. It was hard to stuff it evenly, so I can’t wait to see what actually happens on...
Coffee Mocha corset: inprogress
This project is turning out to be impossible to photograph. But the first person to see it in person said they wanted it :) So at least it looks good in person! The trim...