Laurie Tavan

Spider Mid-bust corset 4

Spider Mid-bust corset

This is a mid-bust Victorian corset made from peach shot with green dupioni silk, interlining, and a coutil strength layer. It features some machine embroidery and a free-hand embroidered spider on the one side....

Fur trimmed Renaissance gown: for faire 0

Fur trimmed Renaissance gown: for faire

Here is a preview of my new Polish gown I will be wearing at the Folsom Renaissance faire coming up this weekend. I would like to make a different chemise that has more volume...

Polish gown inprogress 0

Polish gown inprogress

Our guildmistress picked out some fabric she decided had to be used for the guild. I dutifully purchased it and accepted the challenge to get a gown done by Folsom Renaissance faire. I wonder...

Chemise done 0

Chemise done

A long time ago I posted some cuffs and a collar I experimented on using stitches from my Pfaff machine. I think they turned out pretty. Here they are finally put onto the shirt...

Grass Valley Celtic Festival 1

Grass Valley Celtic Festival

I’ll be heading up to the Grass Valley Celtic festival tonight to join my friends in our annual masquerade & to celebrate my friend’s knighting on Sunday. I had to whip together a bodice...