Tagged: bodice
Victorian purple Wedding gown: train & bodice fitting
The detachable train needs a few more stitches put in and the closure but it is looking fantastic with the dress! The bodice fitting went well and I worked out the overlap for the...
Proposed project: 18th century bodice
Remember this fabric, I found what it has to be made into. “A LADY’S BODICE OF BLUE SILK BROCADE POSSIBLY DUTCH, FIRST HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY “ I’m hoping I’ll have enough for...
Red & Gold Trained gown: making the bodice
I promised to eventually come back & create more diary entries for this project. So here I go: I machine basted the shoulders on this entirely hand sewn bodice, *facepalm*. Those machine basting stitches...
Red peasants: bodice, skirt, coif, flatcap & apron
I met a lovely lady at the Renaissance symposium this year who promptly contacted me for a peasants outfit. We worked long distance from measurements and had one fitting in person. She had the...
Wedding diary: draping the mock-up
Here you can see the initial muslin draped over my stays and Uniquely me dress form: I’ve just pleated and pinned the skirting materials in place to give a quick look at the planned...
Rene’s bodice progress
Now this bodice has been a bodice of DOOM! It has a extreme like for oily substances and will find any oil in a room and suck it up. I’ve watched Rene very carefully...
Embroidery continued…
Rene sent me a progress photo of the hand-sewn embroidery :) The front will take longer as some mystery spots appeared on the front portion of the bodice. She has re-done the front and...