Modesty skirt, Proposed Projects, & Featured Projects
As promised we’ve added the modesty skirt to the gallery. See undergarments section for the new addition. These are not all of the final photos but I do not want to take more extensive ones until the matching pair of stays is fully complete.
I’ve also promised a Proposed Projects section for the website and it is indeed still in the works. I’ve not forgotten about it. Much of the website work was delayed as I’ve been feeling under the weather for the past week. I’m on the path to recovery so expect more soon.
Another new addition is on the way! The center photo on my main page is currently a link to a finished project that has been recently added to my gallery – sometimes randomly changed for variation. This will soon have an added feature. I’ve been posting a bunch of dress diaries to livejournal but want to migrate that feature over to my actual webpage. Featured projects will include a larger photo and more in-progress construction details, allowing you to see the design process and actual constuction quality that sets my work apart.