Linen damask for bodies and whipstitching
Here is a quick preview of a lovely new pair of bodies I’m making for a client. It is in a linen damask. The pattern matching was very finicky. I verified that they weave from side to side is not exactly identical and the portions that do match in design are up to an 1/4″ of an inch lower or higher in relation to other elements. In the end I think I found pretty close matches. This photo is done with harsh light accross the fabric so that you can see the pattern otherwise it is so subtle it doesn’t show in photographs.
Here is the fabric cut out ready to be interlined with coutil:
I’m finishing up the Red and Gold skirt shown earlier in my blog. I’ve decided to just set it to a band so it will be more versitile than making it into a Tudor kirtle. Here is a photos of it set to whip stitch to the band tonight: