Firenze, Itay: the Stibbert museum
I photographed not only the costumes displayed at this museum but some of the armoury, portraits, etc… The Stibbert museum “is especially note-worthy because of its famous armoury, which includes European, Middle Eastert and Japanese pieces dating from the 15th-19th centuries. Stibbert set up in his unusual house-cum-museum, in accordance with 19th century taste, shich required the reconstruction of highly evocative settings” reads the brochure.
The sheer amount of stuff in each room was overwhelming. It reminded Ann of Hearst castle in California. I was in “ferret shock”. Besides the costuming, I was particularly fond of the glass chandeliers, portraits on every wall, the textiles and collection of small swords.
The museum was set up by Fredrick Stibbert. He left his museum to the City of Firenze (Florence) in his will.