Costume college: day 2- Collection tour (part 2)
Western Costume continued….
We were given a tour around the facility. Starting with the shop where you can find anything you might need for a project. I wouldn’t mind having one of these rooms in my house instead of running off to the store of having to order something online. But I believe the room was larger than my entire house.
Well I sorta exaggerated when I said everything was in the supply shop though. The fabric and trims is an entirely different area packed just as full.
We passed by the collections area where the principals outfits are primarily pulled from:
Certain pieces were indicated for study only with tag labels.
Continuing the tour of the tour we start seeing the tools of the trade:
Menswear in progress:
Continuing onto the Women’s and Men’s sections of clothing sorted out and labeled mostly by era.
– These costumes were made and never actually used for the production they were planned for. I missed the full story but there was some sort of cancellation. Luckily the most ornate of them on display in the Lobby showing off some fantastic goldwork. I’ll make that a separate post later this weekend showing those off.
More costuming: