Caramel Cream gown : sitting for a portrait
I had to share these photos because Lauren was drawing a portrait of one of my clients including the recently finished Caramel Cream gown!
I had to share these photos because Lauren was drawing a portrait of one of my clients including the recently finished Caramel Cream gown!
Hanging: The white on cream spiral trim really stands out just enough to catch the eye. The gown has additional gem accents that can be added along the trim for a fancier look when...
Here is the final set of trim, all rolled up, with the beading complete: Now it is time to apply it to the caramel velvet and then to hand sew that to the doublet!...
Each bead is hand sewn on individually knotted to ensure they will remain secure through use of the garment: I’ll be beading the rest of the trim in between other segments of this project....
It is neat to see how the stitches hide in the pile of the velveteen. Fourteen more eyelets to go.
The beading has finally started and more beads are on order! Here are some images of the trim my client purchased for her gown that was combined with caramel velvet and beading.
No these are not the final fabrics: The design looks fabulous on an actual arm instead of flat as seen here. I can’t wait to start with the final velvet fabrics.