Workroom: photos of changes

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6 Responses

  1. Lindsey says:

    I loved seeing the photos of your work room! It’s so neat to see how other seamstresses set up their areas – always lots to learn! :)

  2. Kimiko says:

    That is a wonderful workroom! So much room to work in.

    And I have the same folding table. Joann’s sometimes has the rotary cutting mat that matches the table surface on sale, or use the 50% off coupon. It is worth having when cutting larger pieces. I keep mine behind a fabric pantry next to the wall when the table is folded out of the way.

  3. laurie says:

    Honestly, sometimes the extra room can become burdensome – when things are moved out of place, it means more places to look for them!

    Thanks for the tip on the rotary mat, Kimiko. My local Joann’s didn’t have one that big when I went in this week. I have a 50% coupon that just arrived for later in the month and that would be a great item to use it on for sure. Do you think it is a special order item perhaps? I’ll remember to ask them next time I’m over there, and I’ll go peek around at their online store as well.

    I’d love to see other people’s workrooms too if anyone wants to share :) I won’t turn my nose up at advice or tips from you guys because like I said, there is always room for improvement. Learning from others is so important and sometimes I feel like so busy I’m just chugging along with a blindfold on. Eyes on the prize, Laurie!

  4. sam says:

    What a nice table! That is really a work of art! How can we purchase that one?

  5. laurie says:

    This is a similar folding table but it looks like it is currently sold out on their online store:

  6. NLP Training : says:

    folding tables are very convenient to use specially if you have a house that lacks a large space`’,

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