A new trick- cardboard corset form
When preparing to attend the 2015 Oxford Conference of Corsetry, the organizer and corsery fellow Julia Bremble suggested we think about doing forms for our corsets for display. I have seen this done in...
When preparing to attend the 2015 Oxford Conference of Corsetry, the organizer and corsery fellow Julia Bremble suggested we think about doing forms for our corsets for display. I have seen this done in...
Here is a shot we did with the Solstiss lace yardage I picked out from the 2014 Oxford Conference of Corsetry at a huge discount. I actually wanted this in the blue/brown colorway to...
At this point the corset still needed a bunch of hand sewing. So what am I to do when headed off on my 7 year anniversary trip to Las Vegas with my husband? Take...
Every year Foundations Revealed hosts a corsetry competition. This year there were two themes for the competition: The Five Senses and the 1913 E.F. Hume corset. I fully designed one for the former theme...