New additions in the works
I promised the Proposed Projects section a while back and have my first two planned. Now I need to find the time to complete sketches and photograph the fabrics.
Speaking of fabrics, I’ve spent a few months inventorying my stash. I have a physical swatch book now, the next step will be photographing said stash! I’m really looking foward to sharing the plethora of beautiful fabrics I’ve collected over the years. Maybe something will inspire you!
In other news, yesterday my fiancee and I started sifting through some of my content from my old website. I’ve specifically started adding in more detail photos that got cut in the original transfer. I realized that many of these details are what set my work apart.
When I speak of details this doesn’t include just detailing of the garments, it includes detailing of the experience. I want to share more photos of the little touches – like my custom-made boxes, the how to guides given to clients for their garments, the care descriptions and hints I provide. Right now a glimpse of that treatment is shown in the wedding corset gallery. The documentation of these things is an art in and of itself and I’m so lucky my fiancee reminds me of this all the time. Thank you Jeremy!