Embroidery Design
Rene asked me to adapt an embroidery design for her bodice by making a continuous design that would be curved around the top edge. The inspiration source was only a small section so I had to fill in the details and warp it to fit a curved surface. It was done free-hand in chalk and cleaned up in a second pass with blue washable marker.
She tells me she is almost finished with hand-stitching the design. I can’t wait to see it! Most of the her work on the gown has been done in my workshop so I’m eager to see how it is progressing. She plans to run another row of black velvet ribbon under the embroidery design.
And she’s doing a doggone *fine* job of it, too! She’s using a whipped backstitch, which when finished, looks like extremely fine cording. She’s being very meticulous and careful.