Inspiration- Minty goodness
I’ve picked my gown fabric for Versailles. This is not going to be made rush by any means. I have already started designing the fly fringe and gown and wish to really savor building...
I’ve picked my gown fabric for Versailles. This is not going to be made rush by any means. I have already started designing the fly fringe and gown and wish to really savor building...
Eva brought in a pair of shoes and a Pinterest board filled with 18th century dresses and stays as her starting inspiration. Here is the final result:
Corsetry as an original foundation of ballet is often overlooked. Many of the ideals of carriage and motion hark back to the original clothing worn for ballet which was not like a modern bodice....
I love to see where gowns from our shop make their way out in the world. My client was kind enough to share some images of the lovely Wisteria in Velvet gown at her...
Except for a lining for the upper back portion the loose gown is completed (this will be required since I edged the pair of bodies in bright white leather and it is showing through!)....